The National Film and Sound Archive (NFSA) is Australia’s premier audiovisual archive and a place of engagement with Australian audiovisual production both past and present.
In late 2018, the NFSA sought to better understand the way in which cloud-based technologies could help it deliver against its mission. With a considerable digitisation effort already underway the NFSA wanted to explore the potential for refined operating approaches enabled by digital transformation to help meet its commitment to Deadline 2025.
Pragma was selected to build a conceptual model and use it as a basis to begin to scaffold solution elements to accelerate the agency’s evaluation of different cloud technologies and to highlight areas for improvement on existing processes.
In conjunction with the NFSA, Pragma conducted a series lightweight workshops and conceptual modelling exercises to understand how existing analogue and digital processes might be better supported by its technology. This was a lean exercise intended to provoke discussion around the digital transformation initiatives and approaches available to the agency.