
We apply the right mix of technical skills and experience, and research and design expertise, to deliver compelling business cases that outline practical solutions informed by user need.

We pride ourselves on taking a very pragmatic and user focused approach to business case development. We understand that a business case needs to be robust and defensible.

Our business cases bring together many of our core skills including service design techniques, user research, process optimisation and digital strategy to provide a vivid picture of the landscape and the potential return on your investment.

Key to our approach is understanding user need. Our consultants will engage with your stakeholders to evaluate issues and feedback to identify pain points, needs and wants for the future system. Our approach is underpinned by our effective communication and foundations in design thinking.

We will identify, evaluate and articulate the recommendations for digital enhancement, and work with you to communicate the strategy more broadly to key stakeholders to create awareness and buy-in.

Business Case Development includes

  • Benefits definition
    Benefits definition
  • Digital strategy
    Digital strategy
  • Return on investment calculation
    Return on investment calculation
  • Service concepts
    Service concepts
  • User research
    User research