Understanding employee needs to drive engagement clear communications.


Clean Energy Regulator


User Research



Taking a user research approach across the agency

Pragma was engaged by the agency to conduct user research on the current state of internal communications within the agency. To achieve this Pragma developed a detailed research plan which would inform a series of workshops and interviews with staff from across the agency. Throughout the research process, Pragma was able to successfully interact with employees at every level of the Agency including the Agency Chair and the full cohort of Senior Executives.

The research focused on a series of objectives which would frame the line of questioning used in both the workshops and interviews.

Employee engagement pages

Deep and meaningful insight to drive change

These included:

  • How users engage with communication channels and how the channels contribute to building culture.
  • Direct insight into the common language and understanding of the agency’s purpose.
  • Identifying the journeys for the various employee segments within the agency.
  • Understanding the common attributes of the different employee segments (including their level of engagement with the culture of the agency).
  • How different employee segments typically interact with each other.
  • The desires and frustrations of employees to identify opportunities for enhancing internal communication.

The results of the research were then formulated into a detailed Employee Engagement Blueprint which described the current environment and desired future state of internal communications within the agency.

Pragma successfully provided detailed research findings in the form of a User Research Blueprint. This outlined a series pain points and opportunities that were then used to develop an Enhanced Employee Engagement Strategy.

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From the archive

Using the service delivery model to drive forms design.

Read about the Australian Renewable Energy Agency program