A full end to end benefits realisation and management strategy for a new digital service.

An abstract image illustrating benefits management


IP Australia


Benefits Management and Realisation
Program and Project Planning



Refreshing benefits

In 2016 IP Australia’s Business Investment Committee approved in principle an initial business case for the Transactional Digital Services (TDS) Program. The Program aimed to redevelop its systems, utilising an API led approach. The outline benefits contained in the business case were based on the recommended option and had become outdated. 

Pragma conducted a refresh of the benefits and developed a detailed benefits realisation plan. The plan established the necessary controls and measures required to ensure that the expected benefits for the TDS Program are well understood, delivered and measured. 

A new benefits realisation plan to highlight the key advantages of the program

Pragma applied its benefits realisation methodology to conduct the refresh in line with the following steps:

  1. Uncover Business Case Benefits – review benefits in the business case and test calculations. Check to see if the benefits have changed.
  2. Determine Benefit Ownership – uncover benefits owners, roles, accountabilities and responsibilities.
  3. Develop Benefits Activity Plan – determine benefits realisation schedule, reporting requirements, evaluation timing, transition activities.
  4. Develop Baseline Measures – determine collection method, frequency, tools and steps to achievement.
  5. Conduct Program Activities – deliver the Program as per the Program Management plan.
  6. Track and Evaluate Benefits – evaluate the benefits using the method described in the Benefits Realisation plan in accordance with the benefits realisation schedule.
  7. Transfer Benefits Management to Operations – hand over the responsibility of benefits management to operational owners.

The benefits realisation plan was used as part of the refreshed business case for the TDS Program. It helped determine the return on investment and the benefits profiles were used to highlight the key advantages of the program. The business case was approved by the Business Investment Committee, funding agreed and program commenced.

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From the archive

A business case for a new way of transacting with IP rights using a market-led approach and advanced digital tooling.

Read about the IP Australia program